Vintage Aluminum Thimbles for Musical Washboards
Kind to rub surface, produces soft tone, won't rust
Aluminum is a relatively soft metal. So aluminum thimbles are a good choice when you want to generate a mellow tone. Aluminum is also corrosion resistant, and won't rust. Thimbles made from brass, nickel and steel are harder metals that generate stronger tones than aluminum. But harder metals will gouge permanent tracks into the soft tin rub surface of a vintage washboard before you know it. Aluminum is softer than brass, nickel and steel. So aluminum thimbles are an especially good choice if you want that rare vintage washboard to last as long as possible.
Vintage "Advertising" Thimbles
Aluminum thimbles were popular advertising premiums from the 1920s to 1950s. That's why almost all vintage aluminum thimbles bear slogans or ads. They are commonly called advertising thimbles among collectors. The thimbles typically feature slogans or ads for commercial enterprise, special-interest groups, political organizations and the like. Most aluminum thimbles were manufactured in the United States. Aluminum thimbles bearing slogans were also prevalent in Europe, especially England.