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Old Chap's Bones from England, 3 pairs
Vintage Musical Bones
Old Chap's Collection of Marvelous Bones
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Sold! $169.97 three pairs

Here's what you get: 3 vintage sets: rib, solid bone, hardwood

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Product Code: 100A1-12
Not Currently Available

Product Specs Story
Old Chap's Bones from England: Three vintage sets of Natural Rib, Solid Bone, and Hardwood

What makes this collection of three sets of musical bones particularly intriguing is the idea that this English chap did not own
just one favorite set of bones - but he routinely played natural rib, solid bone, and hardwood instruments at the pub.

I acquired the collection in September of 2006 from Martin Brownett, an antique dealer from Nottingham, England. Yes, the bones are clearly antique. No, they don't go back to the days of Robin Hood. (Well, at least I think they don't.)

At any rate, Mr. Brownett acquired the collection "at a local auction that we go to on a Tuesday," he said. "It was only after the auction," Mr. Brownette told me, that Joanne, his partner, "found out that the bones belonged to a recently deceased father of one of the porters at the auction." She explained to Mr. Brownett that "apparently, he wasn't a 'busker' but, when the fancy took him, he would, presumably after a couple of beers, get his bones out and entertain whoever was in the pub."

I asked Mr. Brownett about the porter's father. "All she knows is his dad died about 5 years ago at the age of 80(?)," Mr. Brownett  reports. "He used to entertain people in his local pubs,"
Mr. Brownett added.

From the data above, I think we can safely say the bones were owned by an Englishman raised in the 1920s and 1930s who regularly rattled them over a pint at the pub.

  • Authentic Vintage Items: Perfect for living history events.
  • Documented English Pub Bones: You preserve the legacy of an old chap's clappers.
  • Antique Musical Instruments: Value increases with age.
  • Three Bone Varieties: You enjoy the complete collection.

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